Steven Kolokithas, DDS

Steven G. Kolokithas, DDS

Dr. Steve attended the University of California, Davis, where he earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Biochemistry. He then chose the School of Dentistry at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) where he graduated with honors in 1993.

Steve continued his pursuit of excellence and higher education by participating in a one year residency at the UCSF Advanced Education in General Dentistry program, a privilege granted to only three UCSF graduates annually.

Dr. Steve lectured on CEREC technology to students and faculty at the University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry for almost a decade.

And thanks in part to his enthusiasm and commitment, CEREC technology is now part of the UCSF Dental School curriculum. The Doctor is dedicated to advancing his knowledge, skills, and technology for the benefit of his patients.

Before moving to NWA in 2019, Dr. Kolokithas and his wife Niki taught Kindergarteners and 1st Graders about good oral hygiene through fun skits as the Dynamic Dental Super Heroes:
Molar Man and Molar Maid: Defenders of Dentin and Destroyers of Decay! For more than a decade they educated little ones before the Halloween onslaught of sugar.

In addition, Dr. Steve volunteers his time and expertise through Dental Lifeline Network, a national organization that provides access to dental care and education for people who cannot afford it and:

  • have a permanent disability or
  • who are elderly: age 65 or older or
  • who are medically fragile


Dr. Steve » School Visit & Brushing Demonstration


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