Dental Implants

Dental implants are medically pure titanium anchors which are placed in the jawbone and allowed to heal for 4-6 months. During this healing period the bone "bonds" with the titanium creating a strong foundation to which Dr. Steve can attach crowns and bridges. Dental implants stop bone loss where teeth were lost and preserve facial contours.

Single Tooth Implant Restorations

Click Here for Dental Implants Gallery

Multiple Teeth Implant Restorations

Redwood City Dentist Dental Implants
Redwood City Dentist Dental Implants
Redwood City Dentist Dental Implants
Redwood City Dentist Dental Implants
Redwood City Dentist Dental Implants
Redwood City Dentist Dental Implants
Redwood City Dentist Dental Implants
Redwood City Dentist Dental Implants
Click Here for Dental Implants Gallery

Implant Retained Dentures

Denture Set-up
Denture Set-up
Lower Implant Denture
Lower Implant Denture
Lower Denture Internal Snaps
Lower Denture Internal Snaps
Lower Implant Abutments
Lower Implant Abutments
Upper Implant Denture
Upper Implant Denture
Upper Implant Denture Clips
Upper Implant Denture Clips
Upper Implant Abutments
Upper Implant Abutments
Over Denture Bars
Over Denture Bars
Dental Implants Left Side Smile
Left Side Smile
Dental Implants Right Side Smile
Right Side Smile
Dental Implants Smile
Click Here for Dental Implants Gallery